A mobility scooter can be very useful for one with mobility challenges. They are highly useful if one wants to move around. As a one-person car, mobility scooters are comfortable, safe, and fun to ride to various places.
Although there are different types and models of scooters, each typically come with similar controls. To control a mobility scooter, you will need to understand the common controls that come with a mobility scooter.
Key start control
Each mobility scooter comes with a start key to get them running. Without this key, they can’t start and move. No one can use the scooter without the key. Therefore, key start control is one of the ways to control a mobility scooter.
Regenerative brakes
Regenerative brakes are useful for any rider or owner because they can use the brakes to keep the scooter uphill or on the slope without fear of it rolling downhill. These brakes give the owner some peace of mind. Some models will have an emergency style brake, just like the ones found in bicycles, installed to give greater security and safety. These can enable the rider to control the scooter.
Reverse or forward lever
Controlling your mobility scooter when in use is one of the most important parts of using any vehicle. The amount of pressure on the forward/backward lever determines the speed of a mobility scooter. Speed dial, located at the control panel, influences the overall speed of your scooter.
There is usually a switch on each scooter that helps reduce the topmost speed whenever you ride your scooter. To slow down or control the speed of the scooter, you need to simply release the forward/backward lever, which can bring the vehicle to a halt.
A tiller can be found on most motorcycles, bicycles, and of course scooters. Tillers are adjustable and come in different varieties based on the model of a scooter. Also known as wigwags, tillers can help you control the speed of your scooter, and are always controlled by a thump similar to the bicycle brakes.
Why is your scooter going slow?
When choosing a mobility scooter, ensure you try out as many different types of controls highlighted above. This will enable you to reach everything, steer and drive easily, safely, and confidently without pain or discomfort.
Every mobility scooter has a control panel, which the central control system for your scooter. In the panel, you can find all the controls that allow you to control your scooter. The control panel often faces up at you so that you can easily see all of the controls.
Sometimes ease of access to the control panel can lead to accidental dialing of a control button, thus slowing your scooter down. Accidental switching on the speed switches can either slow down or increase the speed of your scooter, hence putting you at risk.
In case your scooter suddenly begins to slow down unexpectedly, the first thing to check is if all the control buttons are not accidentally dialed.
Related: Which Parts on a Mobility Scooter Need Maintenance and Repairs?